Sunday 26 December 2010

moving this blog, or possibly shutting it down

I'm thinking of moving this blog, or possibly shutting it down. I'm just so exasperated with the awfulness of the Blogger interface. Even fairly simple things like positioning images are a huge drama. And the Blogger Help Centre is monumentally useless.


  1. !re you using "blogger in draft"? It's got a much better interface for photo movement at resizing. At least for me. I hate to see you shut down Cult Movie Reviews over it.

  2. I had problems, too, D, with the new format. But you can switch back to the old editor in 'Settings'. I assume you've been using the newer format, which I found to be a massive headache and I pondered hanging it up, too.

  3. I'm not even sure what Blogger in Draft is. All I know is that it's the most ghastly website I've ever had to deal with, and has the most unhelpful help menu I've ever encountered.

  4. Go where you're comfortable but by all means keep blogging. All of yours are dependable favorites with me.

  5. Move the blog by all means, but please keep blogging.
