Saturday 29 September 2012

2069: A Sex Odyssey (1974)

Despite its title 2069: A Sex Odyssey (Ach jodel mir noch einen - Stosstrupp Venus bläst zum Angriff) is not a sexploitation spoof of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

This is a West German science fiction sex comedy from 1974, the US title having no connection whatever with the movie.

The plot is pretty much what you would expect from this sort of movie. A spacecraft from the planet Venus arrives on Earth. The Venusians are an all-female society and they’re in urgent need of sperm - large quantities of it. So five Venusian women have been sent to collect as much as possible. They have no idea of the process by which this valuable commodity can be collected but they soon set about learning how this might be accomplished.

Their spaceship has landed in a remote mountain village. They soon find that Earth men are willing to help them. And they discover that their mission is much more enjoyable than they’d expected.

They are mistaken for a French ski team, which makes it easier to seduce the local men. Not that the local men are difficult to seduce. At least until they discover the machine the aliens are using to gather their sperm. Fortunately the alien girls soon find out there are better and more pleasant ways to do the job. 

The jokes are mostly fairly predictable but on the whole it’s a surprisingly good-natured film.

The special effects are ultra-cheap but they’re done in a fun cheesy way. The costumes of the Venusians are reasonably cool and the spaceship set is better than might have been expected (one can’t help suspecting that this set and the costumes may have been recycled from another production).

The acting is very broad but then so is the humour.

It’s all very tame by the standards of 1974 so it seems quite likely that this is a cut version, presumably in order to get a US R rating.

This movie is silly, cheesy fun. Don’t expect to be rolling on the floor with laughter but there’s enough camp value to make it worth a look if you like 70s sex comedies.

Retro Seduction Cinema’s DVD release is fullframe and slightly faded with a fair amount of print damage in places.


  1. Looks like cheesy raunchy fun, kind of reminds me of Galaxina and Flesh Gordon, Ill try and give it a watch, thanks for the review.

  2. I enjoyed Flesh Gordon. I reviewed it here in December 2008.
