That’s not to say that Polyester can be described as a mainstream film. It’s still a low-budget production, and there’s still a fair amount of grossness. And a great deal of outrageousness and grotesquerie. But there’s also a coherent plot, and real characters. And not just real characters, but characters we can care about, in a twisted sort of way. There’s even actual acting. It’s a movie that gives the impression of having been made from a written script.
Divine is suburban housewife Francise Fishpaw. Francine wants to love the American Dream, and be accepted by her neighbours. Unfortunately that isn’t likely to happen, since her husband Elmer runs the local porno movie theatre. The Fishpaw residence is the target of noisy demonstrations by the self-appointed guardians of public morality, demanding family entertainment instead of the fleshly delights currently being offered by Elmer’s movie house.
The Fishpaw’s two teenage children are also a source of anxiety. The son, Dexter, is a devotee of both glue-sniffing and foot fetishism. He is in fact the notorious Baltimore Foot Stomper, who has been terrorising the women of this fair city by stomping on their high heel-clad feet. Daughter Lu-Lu also indulges in glu

The movie was famous for having been filmed in Odorama, with theatre patrons being supplied with scratch and sniff cards to be used at important points in the movie. This was an obvious tribute to one of

The biggest revelation though was that Divine could act. He makes a perfect Douglas Sirk melodrama star! The acting in general is bizarre but extremely effective, with Waters regulars Mink Stole and Edith Massey (as Francine’s best friend Cuddles Kovinsky) both extremely good. Ken King as Dexter and Mary Garlington as Lu-Lu are wonderfully over-the-top. Lu-Lu’s constant dancing is terrific. Both children eventually reform, and are even more disturbing after their reformations! Lu-Lu becomes a hippie and credits macrame with saving her life after she had fallen into the hands of crazed

The DVD includes a commentary track by John Waters, and like all his commentary tracks it’s immensely entertaining.
Polyester gave Waters his first real taste of commercial success and it’s a perfect mix of his trademark outrageously confrontational style with the odd warmth and the sympathetic portrayal of outsiders that make his later more mainstream movies so appealing. And it’s non-stop fun.
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